Lied: Cotton Eyed Joe

Traditional Country- / Folksong

If it hadn’t been for Cotton-eyed Joe
I’d been married long time ago
Where did you come from, where did you go
Where did you come from, Cotton-eyed Joe?

1. Don’t you remember, don’t you know,
Don’t you remember Cotton-eyed Joe?
Cotton-eyed Joe, Cotton-eyed Joe,
What did make you treat me so?

2. Cotton-eyed Joe, Cotton-eyed Joe,
He was the cad that sarved me so,
Take my girl away from me
Carried her off to Tennessee.

3. She was the prettiest girl who could be found.
Anywhere in the country round;
A skin like silk, slender as a reed
Her eyes was bright, She looked so sweet

4. This girl had all of my true love.
And she swore that she will never leave
But Joe ensnared her, don’t you see,
And she run off with him to Tennessee,

5. He brought disaster wherever he went
The hearts of the girls was to hell broken sent
They all ran away so nobody would know
And left only men ’cause of Cotton-eyed Joe


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