Lied: Down by the bay

Traditional children song

1. Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow,
back to my home, I dare not go,
For if I do, my mother will say:
„Did you ever see a goose kissing a moose?“

2. Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow,
back to my home, I dare not go,
For if I do, my mother will say:
„Did you ever see a whale with a polka dot tail?“

3. Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow,
back to my home, I dare not go,
For if I do, my mother will say:
„Did you ever see a fly wearing a tie?“

4. „Did you ever see a bear combing his hair?“

5. „Did you ever see a lama eating pajamas?“

6. „Did you ever see a goat rowing a boat?“

7. „Did you ever see a dragon pulling a wagon?“

8. „Did you ever see a fox putting on socks?“

9. „Did you ever see a fish doing hula on a dish?“

10. „Did you ever see a parrot eating a carrot?“

11. „Did you ever have a time when you couldn’t make a rhyme?“


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