Lied: Five little ducks

Traditional Nursery Rhyme

Five little ducks went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother duck said: „Quack quack quack quack,“
But only four little ducks came back.

Four little ducks went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother duck said: „Quack quack quack quack,“
But only three little ducks came back.

Three little ducks went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother duck said: „Quack quack quack quack,“
But only two little ducks came back.

Two little ducks went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother duck said: „Quack quack quack quack,“
But only one little duck came back.

One little duck went out to play,
over the hills and far away.
Mother duck said: „Quack quack quack quack,“
And all of the five little ducks came back.


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