Lied: I shall not be moved

Traditional Spiritual

I shall not be, I shall not be moved.
I shall not be, I shall not be moved;
like a tree planted by the water,
I shall not be moved.

1. When my cross is heavy, I shall not be moved,
when my cross is heavy, I shall not be moved;
like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved.

2. The church of God is marching, I shall not be moved,
the church of God is marching, I shall not be moved;
like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved.

3. Jesus is our captain, I shall not be moved,
Jesus is our captain, I shall not be moved;
like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved.

4 Fighting sin and Satan, I shall not be moved,
Fighting sin and Satan, I shall not be moved;
like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved.


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