Lied: Oh, Susanna


1. I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee,
I’m going to Louisiana
my true love for to see.
It rained all night the day I left
the weather it was dry,
the sun so hot I froze to death;
Susanna do’nt you cry.
Oh Susanna, oh don’t you cry for me!
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee.

2. I had a dream the other night
When everything was still
I dreamed I saw Susanna dear
a-coming down the hill.
The buckwheat cake was in her mouth
the tear was in her eye
Says I, “I’m coming from the south,
Susanna, don’t you cry.”
Oh Susanna, oh don’t you cry for me!
I come from Alabama
with a banjo on my knee.


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