Lied: What shall we do with the drunken sailor

Traditionelles Shanty / Seemannslied

1. What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
what shall we do with a drunken sailor,
what shall we do with a drunken sailor,
early in the morning?

Hoo ray and up she rises,
Hoo ray and up she rises,
Hoo ray and up she rises,
early in the morning.

2. Take him and shake him and try to awake him,
take him and shake him and try to awake him,
take him and shake him and try to awake him,
early in the morning?

Hoo ray and up she rises,
Hoo ray and up she rises,
Hoo ray and up she rises,
early in the morning.

3. Give ’im a dose of salty water,
give ’im a dose of salty water,
give ’im a dose of salty water,
early in the morning?

Hoo ray and up she rises,
Hoo ray and up she rises,
Hoo ray and up she rises,
early in the morning.

4. That’s what to do with a drunken sailor,
that’s what to do with a drunken sailor,
that’s what to do with a drunken sailor,
early in the morning?

Hoo ray and up she rises,
Hoo ray and up she rises,
Hoo ray and up she rises,
early in the morning.


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